As I move through life feeling as though I have to make all sorts of decisions over this or that, I realize that there is as much though process that goes into what you don’t want as there is gong into what you want. I am asked all the time “Carol, what if I don’t know that I want”….that’s easy…..know what you don’t want and then take that off the table. Whatever is left at the end of the day, is what you want.
So the decision in my life now is about grabbing onto, taking responsibility for, and creating what I want. I recently saw the video that this Jim Carey quote was taken from and in the video he speaks of his father, who, for the sake of being “responsible” for his family took a job as an accountant and was fired after 23 years. He spent 23 years doing what he did not want to do and failed at it anyways.
I ask you here and now, “What do you want?”